Cryolipolysis is a non-invasive method, characterized by the localized cooling of adipose tissue to around -5 to 15°C inducing a local inflammatory response, which triggers a mechanism of adipocyte apoptosis. It has been observed that macrophages began to digest apoptotic adipocytes; then, with the reduction of the inflammatory infiltrate, there was a reduction in the size and number of adipocytes, culminating in the process of reducing localized adiposity (1). Cooling induces an increase in cellular metabolism, so it uses the energy reserves stored in adipocytes, generating a lipolysis mechanism with hormonal and biochemical adaptations that result in the reduction of adipose tissue reserves (2). Conventional cryolipolysis uses applicators that are connected to the skin through suction with negative pressure, which cool the dermis and hypodermis. Some devices differ in terms of handling, application technique, and type of applicator (3). Equipment without the suction system has been used in clinical practice, providing cryotherapy without suction, thus 284 avoiding possible complications caused by negative pressure. This type of equipment is indicated for application in areas of difficult coupling, areas that are not “nailable,” such as outer thighs saddlebags, and upper abdomen, with concentration of fibrotic tissue (4, 5, 6). However, we have not found studies with important results on the application in the abdominal region for the treatment of localized adiposity in women, thus generating the need for this investigation. The disadvantage of the use of plate cryolipolysis is the need to apply it for longer times, when compared to traditional applicators (8, 9). It was possible to verify through ultrasound and photographs that, in a sample of 40 patients, there was a reduction in adiposity in the flanks region with an application time of 1 h and 20 min at –5°C (5). Based on these elements, this study sought to investigate the effects of the plate cryolipolysis technique, using the specific equipment model called Crioplace™, in the treatment of adiposity located in the abdomen and flanks of women. 

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